
실패한 리더들의 7가지 정신적 습관들?

실패한 리더들도 성공한 리더들과 똑 같은 재능과 습관을 가지지만, 그럼에도 불구하고 실패하더라고요. 운과 타이밍이 더 중요한 요소라는 생각도 해봅니다.

그리고 특히 하나님의 성공한 사람은 세상 성공의 개념과는 반대로 적용되는 것 같습니다. 하늘에서 성공한 사람은 세상에서는 찢어져서 십자가에 못 박히는 처절한 실패를 해야 한다는 겁니다.

저는 늘 세상적인 관점에서는 실패하고 리더가 아닌 억울한 루저(Loser)로 여겨졌지만, 여전히 배가 된 생명력으로 시공간의 경계를 넘어서 죽으면 죽으리란 믿음으로 젊음과 열정을 지키고 있습니다.

만약 과거 성공한 본인의 모습을 입력해서, 지금의 상황을 역 시뮬레이션 해 본다면, 결코 만족한 리더는 되지 못 했을 거란 분명한 결과를 예상해 봅니다. 성공한 리더는 하늘에서나 땅에서나 만족한 리더입니다. 

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@ 안응 곽계달 @


<리더십 이야기 (35)> – 정영호님 

(성공적인 리더들의 7가지 정신적 습관들!)

The most successful people achieve extraordinary things by looking at the world differently than most people. Paula Long would know. Before becoming CEO of data management company DataGravity, she sold her last company, EqualLogic, to Dell for $1.4 billion. Here’s her take on the thought lives of the most successful leaders.

1. They have a clarity of vision.

Long says you would never know if she was insecure and guessing–swirling 25 scenarios in her head about how something will progress–because she consistently speaks to the ideal outcome. “So it’s be honest, but filter and show the direction,” she says. “That gives people a sense of certainty which I think everybody around you needs, including you.”

2. They always plan their next few moves.

It’s thinking about life as a chess game based upon possible outcomes. “So if this happens I’m going to do this, but if this happens I’m going to do that,” she says. “You’ve already thought it through.”

3. They think of employees and themselves as subcontractors to each other.

It’s a way of holding people accountable for their performance versus basing relationships with team members on friendship. “If you hired a painter and they didn’t show up or didn’t finish the painting the rooms in five days, you’d probably fire them, right?” she says. It’s not to say you can’t be friends with co-workers, but it shouldn’t lead you to cover for them if they’re not performing well.

4. They understand that lack of failure is not success.

In other words, good enough is not good enough. Could you have done better? “They’re always trying to figure out how to optimize the optimized, which can drive people nuts,” she says. “Because is anything ever good enough? No. It sounds bad, but it just means we have to keep growing.”

5. They don’t tolerate drama.

It means hiring for culture and fit–not just skills–so you end up with a cohesive team. “You can lose a lot of emotional energy which sucks away intellectual energy,” she says. “And that’s a really easy thing to have happen to you.”

6. They’re comfortable and confident dealing with all functions within a company.

“Successful leaders let people know in subtle ways that they know what’s going on,” she says. Within a day it might mean asking an engineer about a project or sending a note to someone in marketing who just wrote an excellent blog. “That gets harder as companies gets bigger, but for small companies showing that kind of personal interest and kind of encouragement is important.”

7. They have a hard time with work-life balance.

High achievers tend to overwork, particularly in a startup where a leader can be obsessed with getting off the ground and growing. The key, however, is not expecting everyone to work weekends just because it’s something you want to do. If you’re not careful, people will burn out, or worse. “I’ve been in a couple of startups where people would claim they got divorced because of work,” she says. “That means everybody around them failed, too, because they didn’t figure out how to get the balance right.”

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기업에서 성공을 거둔 리더들은 어떤 공통된 생각들을 갖고 있을까요. 현재 미국의 데이타 관리 회사 DataGravity의 CEO인 Paula Long은 이 회사의 전문경영인으로 오기 전에, 자신이 몸 담았던 회사 EqualLogic을 컴퓨터 제조회사 Dell에 무려 $1.4 billion에 팔았습니다. 성공적인 전문경영인으로서 그녀가 생각하는 “성공적인 리더들의 7가지 정신적 습관들을 소개합니다.

1. 성공적인 리더들은 분명한 비전을 소유하고 있다.

2. 언제나 다음 몇 단계를 먼저 생각한다.

3. 종업원들을 생각하고 그들 스스로를 하정업체들로 생각한다(상대방의 입장에서 생각한다).

4. 실패하지 않는 것을 성공한 것이라고 생각하지 않는다(실패를 두려워하지 않는다).

5. 일관성을 갖고 끝까지 일을 마무리한다.

6. 회사 안의 모든 기능들을 정확하게 파악하고 있으며, 그것들을 편안하고 자신있게 다룬다.

7. 성공적인 리더들은 일과 가정의 균형을 위하여 노력한다.

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